A Quick Test of $20 SHOOT Macro Extension Tubes

If you haven't tried macro photography - please do. Macro-style photography...

4 Beautiful Vintage-Style DSLR Camera Bags

When you think of the artists and explorers of yesteryear, do you happen to...

Tripod Checklist: 12 Features to Know About Before You Buy

Learning to use your camera is one thing. Learning to use your tripod is a...

4 Beautiful Vintage-Style DSLR Camera Bags

When you think of the artists and explorers of yesteryear, do you happen to imagine them with some kind of old canvas or leather pack holding all their worldly possessions? I do. A solid pair of sturdy boots, maybe a brass pocket watch, and a well-worn pack slung over...

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How to Photograph Fireworks – Settings and Gear for Newbies

I’ve never tried taking photos of fireworks with my DSLR camera. I’ve used a simple point-and-shoot camera in the past, but this year I’d like to try out some long exposure firework shots to get some cool effects. Could be awesome. Could be a disaster. We’ll see, and...

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How to Fail at Photography & Still Get Some Cool Shots

Last week I took on a lightning storm for photography practice and got some pretty sweet photos (*self-five!) so you’d think I could handle a few measly fireworks, right? I mean, I prepared. I had a plan. I was gonna photo like a pro and it was gonna be epic! You’ll...

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Budget-Friendly Macro Lens Guide: 5 Great Macro Lenses for Less

Budget-Friendly Macro Lens Guide: 5 Great Macro Lenses for Less

Macro photography has an undeniable allure. Capturing intricate details and exploring the hidden world of small subjects can be a fascinating and rewarding experience for photography enthusiasts. However, you may be concerned about the potential cost associated with...

4 Beautiful Vintage-Style DSLR Camera Bags

4 Beautiful Vintage-Style DSLR Camera Bags

When you think of the artists and explorers of yesteryear, do you happen to imagine them with some kind of old canvas or leather pack holding all their worldly possessions? I do. A solid pair of sturdy boots, maybe a brass pocket watch, and a well-worn pack slung over...


CameraTheory is a blog dedicated to photography hobbyists and enthusiasts who want to learn more. I’m still learning, and try to create content that is simple and interesting as I go.

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